I feel it is time for a full update on events of the past 12 months so you all know where things are at with me and my family.
About 18 months ago I started hormones and anti-androgens and am currently working with my psychiatrist, psychologist and the Monash Gender Dysphoria clinic toward a MTF transition.
It;s been a long time coming and I feel I have tried every avenue available to me to bring some peace and hope amidst the transgender condition I am so 'blessed' with and I believe this is not only the last hope but also the best option going forward.
Lisa and I are committed to making it work and we have recently told our kids and extended families... this has been incredibly hard.
At present I am meeting every few weeks with the psychiatrist and director of the Monash Gender Dysphoria clinic and at the moment it looks as though I'm a pretty black and white case for them so I'm not expecting too many roadblocks or hurdles from them.
I'm also having weekly electrolysis and am seeing significant progress. This pleases me no end.
For the hopelessly curious and morbid the effects of the drugs mean: I'm currently a 'B' cup in breast development, my skin has thinned, is more luminescent and pores reduced, I have siginifcantly reduced strength and muscle mass (especially on my arms), my body hair is almost non-existent, some head hair has regrown and male pattern baldness has stopped, my butt is considerably bigger and most recent weight gain is in that area... that ought to satiate your curiosity. I have to say I am delighted in every step of progress I see and look forward to more and more.
At this stage I plan to go FT as Elisabeth (aka Ellie for short) 2nd half 2011 and at this stage all looks good for that to occur. I already live most of the time that way anyhow in one way shape or form except when I'm gigging which is a reality until about June next year when I will retire from professional music.
Anyway so that's where things are... it's taken me many many years to accept this route of treatment but I sincerely believe it is the only route for any hope of happiness for me. Beyond this hope I can only see death as an option which I;d rather not think about.
These days I get more stares when I try to pass as Scott than I get when I'm presenting as Elisabeth... I cannot wait to be FT and eventually have SRS surgery and feel complete as the person I should ahve been born as.
with love,
Ellie (aka Scott) xo
When Your Kids Deconstruct
5 years ago